Aylesford Priory, Kent
Province 12 and Aylesford
- Started stewarding in late 1960’s by Council 418 Chatham
- From early 1970’s the position of Provincial Pilgrimage Convenor at Aylesford was established in the Province this was later changed in early 1980’s to Provincial District Deputy Aylesford by the Supreme Knight with Councils being rostered to attend for stewarding duties and this still continues today
- Ran the KSC Youth Day from the late 1970’s
- The largest KSC Youth Day was when Cardinal Hume attended as a guest of honour and concelebrated Mass approximately 9,000 people attended
- Archbishop Bowen’s silver jubilee was held at Aylesford in 1995
- In 2009 the Relic of St. Therese of Lisieux were displayed for a few days for pilgrimages to attend and the Knights did the security for this event
- From 1968 to the present day the Province has been responsible at most pilgrimages for the security and stewarding
- The community at Aylesford agreed for Southwark Province 12 to have a St Columba relief installed in the choir tribune
- A Davidia involucrate tree (Dove tree, Ghost tree, Pocket-handkerchief tree) was planted at Aylesford in memory of the Deceased Brothers of the Knights of St. Columba Southwark Province 12 in 2006